
December 25: Christmas Day

The Church as it carries out the mission of Christ
– that all be one

Loving God, you sent your beloved Son Jesus into the world to reveal you and to show us your merciful face. Help us to receive Him with renewed commitment to share His mission. We desire to help all people move toward that oneness which you will for us and for all of creation.


December 24: Thursday, 4th Week of Advent - Christmas Eve

Province of Africa (AF)

We pray today for our Province of Africa. May this young province grow ever stronger in its witness to God’s love in its diverse countries and diverse peoples. May the energy they bring to Blessed Theresa’s charism be a light for all who desire “to make one.”


December 23: Wednesday, 4th Week of Advent

Families, Friends and Benefactors

We ask your special blessing, Lord, on all our families, friends and benefactors. Their presence, love, and generosity support us in our daily efforts to be in service to and with your people. Pour out upon them an abundance of your love and grace. Surround them and our world with true peace.


December 22: Tuesday, 4th Week of Advent

SSND Associates / Missionaries of Mother Theresa

We pray for all the men and women around the world who have chosen to be in an intentional associate relationship with this congregation. May we grow in our appreciation of the charism that we share, and together find ways to make Christ visible by the way we live our lives and relate to one another.


December 21: Monday, 4th Week of Advent

Prowincja Polska /
Polish Province (PO)

"Pan, twój Bóg jest pośród ciebie, Mocarz, który daje zbawienie". So 3, 17
Módlmy sie za Siostry Polskiej Prowincji, aby ufając Bogu i Jego prowadzeniu,  z odwagą szły tam, gdzie ich wola Pan, na wzór Maryi śpieszącej do Elżbiety.


December 20: 4th Sunday of Advent

The people among whom we minister

We pray for all those with whom we minister, especially women, children, and persons who are poor. May God give them much hope and peace, we pray to the Lord.


December 19: Saturday, 3rd Week of Advent

Provinz Österreich–Italien & Československá provincie / Province of Austria-Italy & Czechoslovakian Province (ÖR-IT & CE)

Dreifaltiger Gott, begleite die Schwestern der Provinz Österreich-Italien und die Schwestern in Tschechien auf ihrem gemeinsamen Weg in die Zukunft. Lass sie in kreativer Weise Wege finden, wie sie deine Gegenwart in unserer Welt sichtbar machen können durch ihr Sein.

Dio Uno e Trino, accompagna le Suore della Provincia Austria- Italia e le Suore della Repubblica Ceca nel loro comune cammino verso il futuro. Fa’ che trovino nuove vie che rendano visibile la tua presenza nel nostro mondo attraverso il loro essere.

Trojjediný Bože, provázej sestry Rakousko-Italské provincie a sestry v České republice na jejich společné cestě do budoucnosti. Ať nalézají kreativní cesty, jak zviditelnit Tvou přítomnost v dnešním světě.